...i may not be close to perfection like other people do… but who cares? it’s not them whom i live my life for anyway… what matters is that I know myself and i know how i look like inside and out… this is me, as what they say… “if you can’t handle my worst, then you don’t deserve my best” - bente! http://lovemaze20.blogspot.com/2009/07/knowing-author.html

Saturday, July 18, 2009

What is a Bridesmaid?

weA bridesmaid is first and foremost someone who the bride wants to be a part of her wedding. Perhaps she is a sister, or a very close friend; her friendship and support of the marriage is meaningful.

More than that, a bridesmaid and/or maid-of-honor serves a practical purpose. During the hectic time of planning a wedding, she is a confidant, advice giver, doer of menial tasks, errand runner and more. A bride should have at least one bridesmaid (preferably the maid-of-honor) who is reliable, cheerfully helpful, organized, and who lives close to the bride.


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