...i may not be close to perfection like other people do… but who cares? it’s not them whom i live my life for anyway… what matters is that I know myself and i know how i look like inside and out… this is me, as what they say… “if you can’t handle my worst, then you don’t deserve my best” - bente! http://lovemaze20.blogspot.com/2009/07/knowing-author.html

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Love Movie Quotes - H!

"I've loved people before and they went away. So a long time ago I made a decision that I wasn't gonna need anybody anymore. I wasted most of my life that way. And I know I'm late and I know I don't deserve it, I need you… I love you."
- Heart and Soul

"Some people live their whole life and never fall in love. I lived mine and I fell in love."
- Here On Earth

"I love this spot. It's like heaven. Right here on earth. Maybe that's what heaven is. Maybe we go through life collecting people and places we love, and they become our heaven."
- Here on Earth

"You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting."
- Hook


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